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Busted Earth is Coming Soon!!

Woah there! I know you’re desperate to throw some of your hard-earned pennies at me and dive into the greatest book ever written by me, but I’m a perfectionist, and perfect things take a while to… well perfect.

The final stages of polishing Busted Earth are currently underway – all your normal tasks like such as finalising termite stunt training and extending Alien visas with the Antarctic authorities.

After that, there is the arduous task of hand-dotting every ‘i’ (and ‘j’) with a really fine pen and writing a super-complex computer program to auto-format the novel at the single click of a button.

All being well, release will be somewhere around 10.27 Alien time in the new eighteen Earth-month Alien daily cycle. Set your reminders… 

PS Isn’t she beautiful?!